Guild of Guides Netherlands (GOGNL) Membership Types

The following information outlines the various forms of membership available to current and future members of the Guild of Guides Netherlands.

N.B. Any member will be able to propose adjustments to Membership Types at any time, so this remains a living, working document. Adjustments will be voted on during a GA taking place at least 14 days after the submission of the proposal.

Preambles and suppositions

The Membership Types are part of the House Rules of the Guild of Guides Netherlands. They can not be in contradiction with Dutch law, the Guild of Guides Bylaws, or the purpose and Code of Conduct of the Guild of Guides Netherlands.

The purpose of the Guild of Guides Netherlands can be found here. The Code of Conduct of the Guild of Guides Netherlands can be found here. The costs for various types of membership will be voted on yearly by the General Assembly (GA).

Membership Types

Membership 1. Psychedelic Practitioner Membership

Standard membership for psychedelic guides/practitioners working with legal psychedelics in the Netherlands. This membership option is for practitioners who intend to undertake this work in the confidence that basic standards of care, ethical consideration, and safety are covered.


  • Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Working with ‘Magic Truffles’ or other legally available psychedelics with clients/ participants (both paying or on the basis of donations) within the Netherlands.
  • Adheres to GOGNL Code of Conduct
  • Psychedelic experience for personal insight & knowledge – 2+ years since your first psychedelic experience and had at least 5 intentional/guided psychedelic experiences as a participant.
  • Registered with Dutch Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) or comparable international Chamber of Commerce (as individual or organisation)
  • Explicitly does not offer “therapy” or “treatment” (unless they’re a licensed psychedelic mental healthcare professional – please be advised that it is your responsibility to keep adhering to the requirements of your qualifications).
  • Mental and physical health screening is in place as part of client intake.
  • Has received relevant training and provides transparency about this towards (potential) clients.
  • Committed to continual education
  • Contributes to the field/community (e.g. active participant in GOGNL, volunteers for other psychedelic services; publications, lectures, symposia; decriminalise movement; harm reduction; organizes peer-supervision group, etc.).
  • Publicly offers/advertises with truffles, magic truffles, legal psychedelic ceremony, etc.
  • Committed to GOGNL accountability framework. Clients are made actively aware they can report concerns with the Guild.
  • Submits self-reflection form annually that includes feedback from other practitioners and/or clients.
  • Participates in peer supervision/”intervision” (min. 2 x per year).
  • Provides two references from other GOGNL members or former clients/participants whom you have guided or held space for.
  • Attends at least 1 General Assembly per 2 years, online or live.


  • Full membership of GOGNL including affiliation to GOGNL
  • Member of GOGNL community of practitioners
  • Full access to GOGNL network and forum
  • Listing on GOGNL (public) directory of guides
  • Permission to use GOGNL logo in marketing and communications
  • Participation in accountability framework and mediation
  • Right to participate in the discussion, thinking and development of GOGNL
  • Voting rights in GOGNL General Assemblies
  • Right to participate in GOGNL circles
  • Full access to events, training and support*
  • Access to intervision circles
  • GOGNL newsletter and updates

Future desired benefits:

  • Legal support (as it becomes available)
  • Relationship with truffle supplier (e.g. preferred supplier with discount)
  • Connecting practitioners with research programs
  • etc.

* some larger scale events of the future may carry an entry fee if they cost more to put on than membership fees can cover.


€120 per annum Low revenue/income: €60 per annum. Reach out to the membership circle if you need this.

Membership 2. Friend of the Guild Membership

Individuals with an active interest in psychedelic guiding/support, interested in joining the GOGNL but do not meet full membership criteria.


Possible members could include psychedelic practitioners of the future (students, those in training), lecturers, other non-psychedelic practitioners who which to be part of the GOGNL community.


  • Access to GOGNL network
  • Access to certain events
  • Participation in the discussion, thinking and development of GOGNL
  • GOGNL newsletters and updates

Not included:

  • Affiliation to GOGNL
  • Use of GOGNL name
  • Voting rights
  • Listing on the external directory of GOGNL affiliated Guides

Future desired benefits:

  • Access to notice board with internships, apprenticeships and other positions within member organisations


€75 per annum Students (currently enrolled in a college or university): €40 per annum